Organizing Small Kitchens

Last summer we moved from a large house to a very small house and I had to get beyond creative to create spaces for things.  I felt so pleased with myself when I hung a white two-shelf rack on the front of my cabinet door.  How original I thought.

But today when I went to write about organizing a small kitchen I googled 'spice rack' and this photo came up.  It looks like I took a photo of my spice rack, but I didn't.  Someone else had already done this idea.

Nevertheless, in a small kitchen space is always at a premium and organization is not optional; convenience is also important.  So I hung a white rack like the one in the photo on the outside of a cabinet door close to my stove.  This placement has already saved me hours of work and frustration that I would have had to go through if I'd squeezed my spices and herbs inside the cabinet.